Situation Analysis: The Importance Of Early Childhood Education

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Chapter 1

Situation Analysis
Early Childhood is the most important and critical years in the life of an individual. It is in these years that all learnings begin. In these years, it is a must that parents should let their children explore the things around them, teach team and most importantly put them in an Early Childhoood Centers.
In recent years, the perceived importance of early childhood learning has increased. It was recognized that the experiences children having during pre-school can have a formative and lasting impresions on their development.
Although there was an increased in the perceived importance of early childhood learning, achieving basic primary education remains one of the greatest challenges in the Philippines. …show more content…

The family as the basic unit of a society is the most important agent of socialization. They help in the interaction of the individual and in shaping their personality. As stated in Heaver and Hunt (1995), the types of families who were least likely to be able to provide for adequate psychosocial development of their children are the poor and the children of poor, formal sector employees in urban areas.
In addition, Christakis, E. author of “The Importance of Being Little”, stated that children in poverty face a double burden. They are at risk of family stresses that make it hard to provide responsive, language-rich environments at home, and they are then twice as likely to be in lower-quality preschool programs where play and conversation are short supply as stated in an article by Gonzalez (2016).
Because of the conditions and situations that the government saw, A program under the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), which is called Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program (PPPP) was created to alleviate families from being the poorest of the poor. PPPP is a human development measure that provides conditional cash grants to the poorest of the poor families, to improve the health nutrition and the education of children aged …show more content…

Observation shows that though the government already played their part, some parents still neglect their responsibilities especially in giving proper guidance and motivation that resulted to children being unmotived in going to school and even worst when they were only pushed by their parents for compliance sake.
Studying and understanding childrens’ growth and development are important in teaching young children. Through this, parents and other care takers can directly check whether their children need more guidance or not. Children as unique individuals differ in all aspect; physical, emotional, social and cognitive growth patterns. Even identical twins, who have the same genetic makeup, are not exactly alike Dr. Herr (2012).
A systematic review from the American Journal of Preventive Medicine (2003) stated that child development is an important determinant of health over the lifespan course. The early years of life are a period of considerable opportunity for growth and vulnerability to harm. Early developmental opportunities, establish a critical foundation for children’s academic success, health and personal