Early Childhood Educator: Chapter Summary

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As an Early Childhood Educator, The FEAP guidelines will be the book I go to often. The course for Early Childhood Education Theory & Practice and the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices are related to this chapter in various ways. Educators have to adapt to their students. Each and every student have their strength and weaknesses. There are some students who might be advance in reading but lack in math or science. There are also students who cannot read but can have difficulty staying put. There are a variety of students in a classroom at any given time. That is why the FEAP guidelines are paramount to ensure effective teaching procedures. The FEAP gives guidelines to explain the practices an educator in Early Childhood Education should get familiar to. FEAP 2 provide the guidelines in the learning environment. It breaks down the environment of the classroom. According to the FEAP, the educator should maintain a student-centered learning environment that is safe. Chapter 1 in the textbook Differentiating for the Young Child, states that a child-centered instruction and sensitivity to learning styles are aspects of the classroom that support differentiation …show more content…

In the textbook, Introduction of Early Childhood Education, talked about gifted children in a classroom and how to teach them. It states that even though educators have gifted students in the classroom, they will need a wide variety of challenging and rewarding experiences that help them develop positive attitudes about school and learning, and the importance to keep in mind that gifted young students are still preschoolers (Essa, 2014,