Earth In Human Hands Shaping Our Planet's Future By David Grinspon

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Abstract: Connecting what we viewed in the episode Life’s Rocky Start from the series NOVA with the chapter Can A Planet Be Alive in the book Earth in Human Hands Shaping Our Planet’s Future by David Grinspoon both help us understand the relationship between our planet and life. We come to the conclusion that our planet Earth is completely responsible for the creation of life. Through these astonishing new discoveries discussed in our sources we interpret the interactions between biotic and abiotic world of planet Earth. We are able to create different understanding, thinking about the three paradigm-shifting insights into the operation of our planet we can determine their importance when discussing the six different phases we learned from Life’s Rocky Start. We can interpret the changes described in the reading and video that are significant to our understanding and can be intertwined with the knowledge we have.

Interactions between biotic and biotic worlds of planet earth can be seen through the evidence provided by the video where it discussed rocks and minerals “as the building blocks of modern civilization”(video). It is now being focused on the fact that rocks create life, and …show more content…

The six stages outlined are important markers when the Earth began to form life and life began to form Earth. I think it's an important point that these changes are outlined the way they were sequentially done. It shows “Life” can be a geologic force since it does have an impact on the phases of life like in the transition from the blue to the red phase. In the blue phases, the ocean was rich in minerals and early microbial life, the microbial though was not able survive unless that change. The needed oxygen because of the heavy atmosphere so microbes started to change turning Earth into the red