Easy Peasy Media Plan

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Media Plan As there are many strategies and tactics for Easy Peasy to employ to boost their brand, sales and reach, this means that there will be a few different medias being used to engage with the target audience.
Online Media Strategy: Online Media covers the strategies of new media through social media and advertising on banner ads; direct marketing (email lists) and through PR by connecting with bloggers. Schedule & Timing: Online media will be an ongoing and active media used by Easy Peasy. It will not require any specific times to begin using, but attention must be paid to special events, sales or promotions to make sure that consumers, bloggers and followers on social media and direct emails have been alerted to the occasion. Cost: Most of these online media strategies are free, the use of social media, PR through bloggers, and email marketing do not have a dollar amount set to them, however, they do cost time. It requires an employee to write the email, tweet, post or letter to the blogger, which will involve time and possibly worth considering one specific employee for this position. Banner ads on websites are charged two ways, Easy Peasy is billed for the view on a page by …show more content…

This will also allow Easy Peasy to have a chance to build up enough revenue to afford the advertisement. They will not need to advertise in every issue, but it is vital to advertise around August when children are going back to school and parents are looking for healthy snacks. It will be the time to take out a full-page ad, following this, the company will advertise at least once every three months through this magazine. The advertisements will not need to be as large as the back-to-school ad but will be needed to serve as a reminder and keep brand