Ece/321 Week 1 Reflection

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Throughout the semester, we are required to help one day with Math Club for ECE 321 between 3:00-4:30 after school hours to review and practice different math games and resource with students. I attend 4/5 times for Math Club this semester rotating to different stations. The first station involves using computers to play mathematical games. Some of the games include; and These games work on multiplication, addition and subtraction, geometry, fractions, and decimal problems. The second rotation worked on addition and subtraction numbers. We played salute and top-it. The students enjoyed playing these games with their peers because they had to find the sum of their numbers to find out who has the larger sum to keep the cards. The last rotation changed every time with a new STEM activity. Some of the STEM activities worked on measurement, thinking outside the box, and …show more content…

I was in a classroom working on 2nd grade games. The games I presented were I-spy and top-it. I had just a few students with their families in my room. Presenting and discussing the games with the families benefited the child and the parent to play these fun and easy games at home. In my last rotation the students were hard to manage because each of them were going at their own pace playing the games. I had to introduce the second game earlier for some students while others were just beginning to play the first game. Managing and knowing how much time to give students to play for each game was challenging for me. All the families were listening to my instructions and directions per game. A family was asking questions about the rules and how to make it challenging for their child. This parent showed interest in the game and I knew that this family would play these games at home. Other families, already knew the games because we play them in their classrooms and taught by other

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