Edgar Allan Poe Accomplishments

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Today, horror stories continue to be the most popular genre in books and on the big screen. Many works of literature and movies today are inspired by gothic writers like Edgar Allan Poe, his themes, use of horror, style in which he wrote developed from his life and influenced horror writers present day.

The life of Edgar Allan Poe was very interesting and mysterious. Poe was born on January 19th, 1849 In Boston Massachusetts to actors Eliza Poe and David Poe Jr. When he was very young his father took off on his own and three years later his mother Died when He was about 3 years old. After the death of his parents, he went to live with John and Frances Allan, who were successful tobacco merchants in West Virginia. In 1827, Poe had joined the Army and wanted to go to school at West Point. After Waiting 3 years, he finally won a spot in 1830. During Poe’s studies at West Point he fought with his Guardian, John Allan, and decided not to speak with him. Poe then left the academy and started writing full …show more content…

Edgar Allan Poe’s stories were very graphic, usually ending in the death of a main character. In 1847, Poe’s Wife Virginia died, Leaving him overcome with Grief. He continued to write but struggled financially and had health issues. The final days of the poets life were quite mysterious, leaving Richmond VA on September 27th, 1849 he was planning to travel to Philadelphia. Poe was found in distress in Baltimore on October 3rd, 1849, and was taken to Washington College Hospital and later died on October 7th, 1849, from “Congestion of the Brain”, but it was more likely that he died from his abuse of alcohol. After Poe’s death his image was destroyed by Rufus Griswold, a fellow poet. Saying that he was a “Drunk Womanizer”. Which made the public believe that he was in fact a dark

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