
Edgar Allan Poe Accomplishments

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“The scariest monsters are the ones that lurk within our souls.” (Edgar Allan Poe) E.A. Poe was an American writer, editor, and critic in the 1800s known for his tales and poems of horror and mystery. Some of his most well-known works include “The Mask of the Red Death”, “The Raven”, “The Tell-Tale Heart”, and “Annabel Lee”. Edgar Allan Poe became one of the most popular authors of the macabre period by transforming a tragic life filled with loss of life and death into literary works of suspense. Edgar Allan Poe’s early life was troubled- filled with tragedy and terrors. At the early age of 1, Poe “was abandoned by his father”. (Worksheet 1) His abandonment made Poe’s mother struggle to support her family. All of the stress and pressure may have caused her to become sick and die from tuberculosis. Later on, Poe “was taken in by a new family. His loving and caring mother also became sick and passed away from tuberculosis”.(Worksheet 1) At this point in his life, Poe has lost both of the people that loved him back and were dear to him. Because of this, Poe became heartbroken and lonely. The abandonment of his …show more content…

During his time working as an editor, he “was stubborn, ruthless, and arrogant”. (Worksheet 2) This caused him to argue with his bosses quite a bot. If he hadn’t been so disrespectful maybe he could have gotten farther in his job. Another thing was that “Poe went to meet the president intoxicated and disheveled”. (Worksheet 2) Because of the possibility that Virginia, Poe’s cousin, would leave him, Poe had given into to drinking and depression. He could’ve ruined his chance of getting a government job (which he did on his second visit by trying to solicit magazine subscriptions from the president) if it weren’t for the president’s son intercepting him and sending Poe back. Poe’s attitude and mindset made his career turn for the

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