Edgar Allan Poe Death Essay

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The Death Of Edgar Allan Poe
Television shows now are more interesting due to real-life events happening, mostly about deaths, theories, and mysteries. Shows like CSI and 48 Hours are more well-liked than other shows because they are fascinating and hook people onto interesting stories of mystery. However, real-life stories such as the story of Edgar Allan Poe a suspenseful mystery about his death. People believe that he died from different things such as alcohol poisoning and rabies. Just like television shows, people binge stories of mysteries, no one knows how people die because they are mysterious theories, just like the story of Edgar Allan Poe’s death. Edgar Allan Poe was an American poet writer and literary critic. The famous author …show more content…

Who was a mysterious writer, who died in a mysterious way? Poe’s death was unexpected, so many people have many different theories. Many people say he died from rabies because of his symptoms, stating that this information is why he died from rabies. According to the article, “In the brief period when he was calm and awake, Poe refused alcohol and could drink water only with great difficulty” By R.Michale Benitez, M.D. The doctor stated that he refused other drinks and water. Rabie victims frequently exhibit hydrophobia, or fear of water, because it is painful to swallow. Suppose Poe was an alcoholic he would have wanted alcohol to feel better, giving us a little bit of information that he wasn’t too addicted that it could kill him. They also stated that” There is no evidence that a rapid animal had bitten Poe, and a fourth of the rabies victims reportedly cannot remember being bitten”(Benitez paragraph 1). Stating that the rabies scratch or bite could have gone away and Poe could have forgotten. Explaining that he could have died from rabies because of the symptoms he had. This evidence provides lots of information about Poe’s death caused by rabies because in the quote they stated, he refused to drink. This leads to the conclusion that if he was so addicted to alcohol he would want the alcohol to kill him, but he refused. Making me believe that rabies killed him not