
Edgar Allen Poe: Fact Findings Of Edgar Allan Poe

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Georgette Cofie Professor Gonzalez English 102 April 5 2018 Fact-findings of Edgar Allan Poe I chose Edgar Allen Poe to research because i find him to be a very interesting writer. His life, career and his family had a peculiar twist and turns. He was a writer, editor, poet, author, a literary critic, a womaniser and a drunkard, he had all this traits in him which made him more interesting. He is one writer who uses figurative expression making readers imaging the state of the writer. His writing style lures one into having a feel of his mind. He wrote stories and poem of fiction. Most of his poems were based on death or love or both, he often uses adjectives when describing things like decomposing corpse, he also wrote tales of humor …show more content…

Poe suffered like many authors at the time at the hands of publishers who are happy to publish but not happy to pay, so Poe was the first to make a living as a writer. It was just barely a living, but his lifestyle started to change when he landed a job as a critic for a Newspaper and maybe it was just bitterness from his past, he was nicknamed “Tomahawk Man” he went after everyone, this is not good, which made him alot of enemies but also brought him some level of fame. Publishing “Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque” which explains the gruesome thrilling style hes best known for today,also “The Murders in the Rue Morgue and other tales of Horror” which is also known as the defective fiction journal, ut honestly, he reached the peck of fame in 1845 when his most famous poem “The Raven” was featured in the Evening Mirror, but joy in his new found fame was hort lived as there was no real change in wealth and worse of all his wife Virginia was dying of …show more content…

Virginia knew about Osgood but surprisingly she liked her. There was another poet Elizabeth Ellet who was obsessed with Poe and he could do nothing but repel with scorn. Ellet couldn't get the chance to even be friends with Poe, so she became jealous of Osgood and threaten to blackmail her using flirtatious letters with Poe. Ellet was sending Poe some letters but getting no response and was like leave me alone and returned all her letters, but Ellet master of homewrecking told friends all those letter came from Poe and as ridiculous this may sound, all those events put a lot of strain on Virginia Poe while she was sick to the point that as she died she declare that Ellet had been her murderer. When Virginia died, Poe life went into a spiral that never

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