Edu 501 Quiz

657 Words3 Pages

Chervantis Lee
EDU 501
Dr. Kelleher
December 10, 2016

Summative Assessment

Student Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
1. What causes night and day? - A.) The rotation on its axis causes night and day. B.) Observing the shadows C.) A partial solar eclipse
2. What is a constellation? A. Mixtures of ice, rock and dust cluster B. billions of stars held together by the force of gravity - C. a group of stars that form a picture
3. How many planets make planets make up our solar system? A. The four that is closest to the sun. B. planets in our solar system orbit the sun. C. Eight planets …show more content…

Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune D. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

7. Which is a characteristic of the inner planets? A. rocky one B. a long revolution C. a thick atmosphere D. a gas core
8. Which is a reasonable conclusion? A. Objects weigh more farther from the Sun B. Objects weigh more on rocky planets C. objects weigh more on gas planets D. Objects weigh closer to the Sun
9. Which best explains what a winter solstice? A. The longest day of the year B. Two equinoxes C. When the number of hours of daylight and darkness are the same -D. The shortest day of the year
10. Select two details from the lesson that helped you understand why do the Northern and Southern Hemisphere have opposite seasons. A. All places on earth have four seasons B. Some places feel seasons more strongly C. the sun’s rays hit sharp angles D. near the equator the sun’s rays hit directly.

11. Which two best explain a moon …show more content…

15. In our solar system there are nine _____________. 16. Balls of ice that often have clouds surrounding them are ____________.

17. How are galaxies classified? ______________________________________________________________________________
18. You are looking through your telescope at the night sky, and you see pinwheel-shaped object. What do you think it is?
19. What shape do irregular galaxies have? ______________________________________________________________________________
20. What cause Earths’ seasons? A. Earth’s distance from the sun B. the solstice and equinoxes C. Earth’s tilt axis D. the Moon’s gravitational pull
21. Which would describe the path of the Sun across the winter sky in the Northern Hemisphere? A. high and to the north B. low and to the south C. high and directly overhead D. low and directly overhead

22. Look at the bar graph. What can you conclude? DOK2

A. The largest planets have the shortest day. B. The inner planets have the shortest