Educ111 Week 1 Reflection

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I would recommend this course to someone else as I thought it had a lot of great information. I enjoyed the look at my own paradigms, the way I see life. What I believe about what you think helps sculpt the way I think about it, or “I am what I think you think I am” (Landvatter, 2013, para. 1). This was a huge idea when I was first exposed to it. Hard to understand, and harder to try and relate to others. Why would I think so much about what you think when devising my approach to life. A story I read told of a boy born in the wilderness, he had no idea what he was because of who he related his being to, or how he saw himself. This is my interpretation and hopeful explanation of this part of how we create our identity is influenced. I learned what I expected to learn and then some. It seems like the class taught me so much more than the rules, it taught me theory of what good teaching is. I feel like this course brought me one step closer to being a highly qualified educator by understanding what one is. I can see there is much to learn, but have an idea what that means now. …show more content…

It seems these courses go so fast for the amount of information available for us to learn. I did not know much about the work that goes on behind the eyes of the teacher. I imagined it must be something but did not know it could be so future looking or individually oriented. Highlights were developmental and observational processes and instructions. Great teacher and fellow students, with a lot of great input. Learning more about how we humans think, act, and do is always fun for

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