Educating Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder Case Study

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There are many theories surrounding ASD and what needs to happen to accommodate the students' both in Australian and Internationally. In 2010, The Virginia Department of Education released the ‘Guidelines for Educating Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder’, stated in the guidelines is what the department believes is the best way to accommodate students with ASD. ‘For students with ASD, there are many important factors to consider based on their unique learning characteristics’ (The Virginia Department of Education, 2010). The Virginia Department of Education (2010) states that each area of potential accommodation or modification should be considered individually and be based on educational need. Considerations include ‘completion of arrival, …show more content…

The Saskatchewan Special Education Unit (1999) designed a guide for educators titled ‘Teaching students with Autism’. The guide states strategies and approaches to accommodate students with ASD, which include a ‘personal program plan, instructional approaches and classroom management, strategies for communication development, and social skills training. The Saskatchewan Special Education Unit (1999) state that there is no specific curriculum to teach students with ASD and suggests that a ‘personal program plan’ (PPP) be developed through ‘collaboration by a team of people directly involved with the student’ (Saskatchewan Special Education Unit, 1999). This ‘team’ can include parents/caregivers, classroom teachers, special educational teachers, speech language pathologist and so on. The PPP is intended to be used day-to-day by educators and includes ‘personal and educational data, including assessment information, identification of the students strengths and needs, long-term goals and short-term objectives, resources and strategies that will be used in working toward the goals and objectives, assignment of responsibility for carrying out specific aspects of the plan, and a process for review and evaluation of the plan’ (Saskatchewan Special Education Unit, …show more content…

Strategies for communication development include ‘focusing on developing interaction and communication in the environments in which the child actually communicates, for a young child it may be necessary to provide some structured teaching to develop social and communicative play, and use vocabulary and sentence level appropriate to the students comprehension capability- use language that is clear, simple and concise’ (Saskatchewan Special Education Unit, 1999).

And lastly the Saskatchewan Special Education Unit (1999) states that social skills training strategies include ‘providing the student have the opportunity to participate and interact in a variety of natural environments where appropriate models, natural cues and stimuli, and functional reinforces are available, and social stories- description of a social situation which includes the social cues and appropriate responses, and is written for a specific situation for the individual