Effect Of Gatorade On Plant Growth

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The things that i will be needing for this experiments are 2 plants, and 2 different liquids asmy variable. The liquids consist of Water and the other one is Gatorade. The plants will be the same and will receive the same sunlight such as the same amount of liquid they will be receiving. The question that will be solved here is “Does different type of liquids affect plant growth?” I am going to test 2 organic plants and will be able to see if the plant that receives gatorade grows different than the one receiving water.This 2 liquids are very different from each other these are the ingredients each of them have. images can both be www.cdavies.wordpress.com As you can see that the gatorade liquid portion will contain more sugars than Dasani Water.The portion both plants of liquid they will receive are ½ a cup. The purpose of this experiment is to see not only if the different amount of liquids affect the plant growth, it is also to help us see if we can use any other liquid substance to help us grow our plants.Will the different liquids kill the plant faster.? People have many myths …show more content…

When people drink Gatorade is mostly to keep them hydrated and not letting them fall asleep. Water can also be used to keep hydrated but obviously you won't get the same energy as if you were going to drink a bottle of gatorade.Will sodium allow the plant to

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