Effects Of Pollution In The 20th Century

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INTRODUCTION The massive industrial and economic development in the 20th century has helped the population of the world to acquire a lot of things like computers, big buildings and other electronic and scientific gadgets which have helped them to make their life faster and more comfortable. We can travel across the world in a few hours at a jet speed and even within a city. We can move quite fast as we have never done in the past, with the help of inventions of 19th and 20th century. In industrial and metropolitan towns where we have huge factories and a large number of automobiles, the problem of pollution is eating our health in a way that many people today feels that whether we needed this sort of development which is affecting our health and mind in such an adverse way which is irreparable. The problem of big cities and towns is not only regarding pollution and other related problem but also of nuclear families, shortage of food and jobs, problem of transportation, lack of good social interaction which makes a person alone, insecure and worried about his life and future in this convection. It can be said that people have become more and more stressful today. The seventeenth century has been called the age of Enlightenment, the eighteenth the age of reason; the nineteenth the age of progress and the twentieth- the age of anxiety or stress. Wars have disturbed both personal and national life, economic fluctuation and inflation have taken their role in unemployment,