Effects Of School Uniform

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Greatness of Uniforms Many people have different opinions of school uniforms. Some people think they have a positive effect in the classroom, others think it has a negative effect in the classroom. School uniforms are certain clothes that are worn by all students at the school and usually have the school logo or emblem. In the source Ebsco: School Uniforms it says, “School uniforms were first worn in the 16th century by a school called the Christ Hospital school, in London.” It was the first school ever to start wearing uniforms. After many centuries school uniforms became more popular and now about 20 percent of schools in the U.S have school uniforms and about 50 percent have strict dress codes. Some people say that uniforms should …show more content…

School uniforms help because if everyone is wearing the same clothing and they all look the same, you won’t be concentrating on what your friend is wearing, but you will be actually listening to what the teacher has to say. In the book School Dress Codes: A Pro/Con Issue it says, “If you are looking at a guy with a purple mohawk and six earrings you probably aren't concentrating on your teachers as much as you should be.” Page 20. Those are some of the reasons why I think school uniforms help you concentrate more in school because as I said if someone is wearing something crazy in front of you it is going to be really hard to concentrate during class. Instead when everyone is wearing the same thing you will be ready to learn in class without any distractions from what other people are wearing. People also think that it makes school a lot safer. The kids don't have to worry about their clothes getting stolen and it also forces them to concentrate more of the school work then on what everybody else is …show more content…

If schools don’t have uniforms then it pressures students to get all the cool and expensive brands because all their other friends are wearing the brands. With the school uniforms all of the students are of equal footing because everyone is wearing the same thing. Some people might get bullied or made fun of at schools without uniforms, but since everyone is wearing the same thing with uniforms they can’t be making fun of what you are wearing because that is also what they are wearing. When wearing uniforms the students don’t have any stress of what to wear because it is the same thing every, but without uniforms it is definitely not the same. In the website EBSCOHost: School Uniforms: An Overview it says.”Some kids spend hours just to decide of what they are going to wear that day and it might be very stressful for them just to choose what to wear.” In schools with uniforms there is not that kind of pressure. Those are some of the reasons why I think that uniforms cause less stress in what students have to wear to school because they won’t have to worry about getting the best brands or decide of what to wear to school that