
Effects Of Shakespeare On English Language

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Students can easily mistake Shakespeare for boredom, with an average of about twenty thousand words in a play all put into indecipherable speeches (Johnson). However, Shakespeare has the opposite effect on the brain and world. Often debate has broken out concerning the integration of Shakespeare in an English class. While some think Shakespeare has no purpose in learning and applying the English language, others accept the fact that Shakespeare utilizes nearly all aspects of the English language into a deceptive play. Another debate Shakespeare incensed questions the age and class that Shakespeare should be incorporated in. Throughout years of interpreting the complex texts written by Shakespeare, many believe that Shakespeare expands too much for comprehension, making some students believe these plays are for only people with higher intellect. In truth Shakespeare writes too relatable plays to be passed up to only those Advanced Placement and Honors scholars. The end to this debate may never be seen but through polls, scientific evidence, and effects around the world, learning Shakespeare can seem like a logical answer. High school students, especially the marginalized, should read Shakespeare’s plays to engage the mind, to relate to those plays, and to learn to move through life more effectively. Heads resting against the desk and calm, even breathing lead people to believe Shakespeare’s plays all contain tedious storylines and plots; on the contrary, the brain thinks
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