
Egyptian Art Research Paper

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The artwork in ancient Egypt and ancient Rome was important in their cultures. We still see some of the art work from both ancient Egypt and Rome, today. Some of it is found in museums and has been reproduced to even find its way into our homes and businesses. Ancient Egyptian art was uniquely different from ancient Roman art. While there were some differences, there were also several similarities between artistic expression in both cultures.
Art in ancient Rome included many types of art forms. Sculpture was an important type of art during ancient Roman times. Roman sculpture was heavily influenced by Greek sculpture. In fact, many of the Roman sculptures were just copies of Greek sculptures and paintings.They also produced many famous paintings, including Roman Mosaics, the Arch of Septimius Severus, and the Column of Trajan. Sculptures and other art pertained to their religion and/or their ancestors. Ancient Roman architecture developed in different aspects and newer technologies such as the arch and the dome to make a new architectural style. Roman architecture flourished throughout the Empire during the Pax Romana. …show more content…

Much of their art has been discovered in tombs.The tomb walls of the rich and powerful were often filled with paintings.These paintings were there to help the person in the afterlife. Much of the artwork created by the ancient Egyptians had to do with their religion. They also had sculptures of themselves and their ancestors. The Egyptian pyramids are a form of art created in ancient times. Other ancient Egyptian art created from about 3000 BC to 100 AD includes the painting, sculpture, architecture and other arts in the lower Nile Valley. Ancient Egyptian art reached a high level in painting and sculpture and was both highly stylized and

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