
Why Is Ancient Egypt So Important To Ancient Art?

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A piece of artwork, architecture, and statuary can say a thousand things and also make you imagine a thousand things from the questioning of whom drew this, why, what is the message behind this statue, or why did the sculpt this person or objective. Art is a story, and in early Ancient cultures they flourished with the rise of technology which now is very famous for the extraordinary monuments that that have been telling stories of the triumph, the rulers and honored the gods of their land and sculpted their religion differently. Egypt made a significant amount of impressions that left a huge admiration in other civilization with the various elements of its civilization that is credited for its long-lasting reign. It provided vast achievements …show more content…

This will help to understand the quality of life and the benefits that emerged during this period.
Egypt was very passionate and considerate when it came to their religion and god. The ancient Egyptians believed in Polytheism, or the believe of many gods. They were convinced that their gods controlled the forces of life and nature whether it was a flooding or even the simple things of everyday life such as the rain, the sunset, birth and death. Early Egyptian civilization created gods to show all aspects of life they did not comprehend. There job was to please the gods and keep them satisfied, so they would build huge temples in their honor or even monuments to represent admiration. They respected their gods and believed that if they honored them they would be taken care of. From the creativity of the illustrated art and monuments you can imagine how important and the depth of each god/goddess. From the goddess of love, to the god of harmony. These creations were made to last they were built to, putting so much thought into this which is truly amazing. From those creations, came the pyramids of Egypt. These pyramids still shape the world we live in today. Ancient Egypt is perhaps knowns because

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