
Elijah Character Analysis

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Now when Elijah was hiding in the cave at Horeb, the LORD told him, "Elisha the son of Shaphat . . . shalt thou anoint to be prophet in thy room" (1 Kings 19:16). So he went out to find Elisha. Elisha’s family was very wealthy, and their family was, unlike many others at the time, faithful to God. When Elijah found him, he was plowing the field. His work made him a strong leader and a meek person. Ellen White stated in Prophets and Kings page 218, “By faithfulness in little things, Elisha was preparing for weightier trusts. Day by day, through practical experience, he gained a fitness for a broader, higher work.” By learning to serve he learned to lead. When they were leaving his house, Elisha was then tested with his faith. “And he left …show more content…

Elijah’s calling was to call the people of God out of idolatry and to rebuke the evil king and queen of their wrong doings. Elisha’s mission was way different. It was to build up and keep on teaching what Elijah had done. Just like Elijah, Elisha was meant to teach the ways of the Lord. He was seen touching the people's lives through his ministry and through the school of the prophets.
Elisha had a kind and loving spirit but also could be stern when mocked. Such as the time when in Bethel and group of ungodly youth appeared. Hearing what had happened to Elijah and his ascension, they jeered at Elisha saying to him, "Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head." When hearing their mocks and their taunts Elisha, with the power of God, placed a curse on the men. God had placed the following judgement: "There came forth two she-bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two". 2 Kings 2:23, 24.
If Elisha had just ignored this ridicule then others would mock him and his ministry. The command to save life in the time of the nations deep hole of sin would be ruined. Just from this one situation, all peoples had respect for him. When he came through Bethel on different journeys no youth or any human would mock

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