
Engineers During World War 2 Essay

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Engineers during World War II During world war two engineers where trained at Fort Belvoir for all different types of combat operations from construction, counter attack, hand to hand combat and knots. But first they need to be trained in demolitions and what kind of explosives were using. Also on carpentry and earth moving equipment, water supply including purifying, pumping, storing and dispensing water. Land mines laying land mines layout, employing, recording and reporting mine fields. But ultimately installing the land mines and mine detection using mine detectors and proving. They also trained on river crossing introduced to the river assault boat used to cross wide streams the pneumatic pontoon bridge and tools and …show more content…

They use steel mesh on the beaches to stop vehicles to from being stuck on soft sand. Using dozers they cleared dense jungle and vegetation and using wood to construct corduroy roads to convert swampy terrain in to a road suitable to for rapid passage of fighting equipment and providing freedom of maneuver for the follow on forces during the initial assault. Engineers use enemy abandon explosives saving their own explosives for another jobs. After blasting the coral on the beach they place the material in trucks and spread the coral along the roads and compact it to make the roads more suitable for vehicles to travel and minimize the risk of vehicles getting stuck and slowing the forward momentum of the assault. They built airfields or use bomb out airfields by leveling the ground with heavy equipment and placing steel mats on the ground so airplanes could land and bring the needed supplies to continue fighting. Also they built docks in remote locations using timber and fix bridges in order to open lines of supplies by water. While the pacific engineers were used to clear land mines

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