English Class Reflective Essay

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Since the beginning of the semester I knew I was going to struggle with english 73x. I’ve always had difficulties with my english classes because I never tend to fully comprehend it. I now find myself at the end of my first college semester and I can admit that I actually learned many things in this class. It began by learning how to input MLA formatting into my essays which helped me improve my writing. MLA formatting helped me improve my essays by making them more clear and understanding. In this class we read many books but one mainly taught me how to improvise my writings. The book is called, “They Say, I Say”. This book helped me improve my writings by giving me different writing templates and examples of correct ways to input them in my essays or arguments. We also read a book called, “D.R.I.V.E” this book had its up and downs but I was able to learn the differences in Type I and Type X behavior. Reading D.R.I.V.E. helped me understand which type of behavior I am. Which I found out that I’m more in the middle of both Type X and Type I Behavior. Simply because I mostly always do things out of heart and because I enjoy doing such things without any reward, But I also tend to want rewards when it comes to doing a certain thing I don’t enjoy doing for example doing chores or babysitting. Another book we read in this class was, “The Other Wes …show more content…

A growth mindset is when a person doesn’t run away from from challenges but actually faces the setbacks. A fixed mindset is those who choose to give up after a failure and never tries it again. This booked helped me analyze which type of mindset I am and with further research I learned that I’m a growth mindset. I believe this because I always continue forward no matter what is in my way and I always use my failures as more of a reason to continue on until I rise back

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