
Epilepsy Case Study Essay

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1) What issue affecting neurology or neurology patients motivated you to apply? Patients with neurological diagnosis have the highest amount of disability ; This seems to be the by product of disease manifestation and leads to significant impairment. In addition to taking care of the neurological diagnosis it is essential to pay attention to the needs of patient as a whole. I have come across this situation on a daily basis ie in patients with epilepsy who are not able to drive or lose their jobs. Additionally they develop mental health issues for which they do not seem to receive help or support. This phenomenon is well established in field of epilepsy where the ILAE expanded the definition of epilepsy to include social and psychological impairments as part of definition of epilepsy. Usually this becomes a limiting point in patient care and leads to long term complications. For example, in a patient with epilepsy - social stigma itself drives patient to remain non compliant with medications or other interventions leading to harm to himself and immediate care givers along with society in general. Most …show more content…

Making an impact on the providers is most productive if there is meaningful objective data. This also provides evidence based results which are hard to ignore for the providers as well as healthcare industry. Through the leadership forum I wish to learn and educate myself with various aspects of private and public out reach. These skills will help me become more effective orator and presentor of details thus helping me make impressions and practical changes. Additionally, this provides me excellent platform to understand the legislative process and infrastructure which connects the leadership to policymakers. It is crucial that as providers, we lead the conversation on behalf of patients and communities and the goal would be to create a win-win-win system of healthcare

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