Equity In The Classroom: Personal Statement

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Personal Statement
I strongly believe that inclusion extends beyond the realm of simply engaging students with classroom pedagogy. Rather, it is a reflection of the way we teach our students and how we use our pedagogies to differentiate and account for all students in our classrooms. As a teacher, I aim to enrich my classroom by applying “equity, access, opportunity and rights” (ARACY, 2013, p.5) to all my students, regardless of circumstance. By applying concepts of differentiation in the classroom, teachers are able to enhance equity in the classroom and assist students with their learning in diverse ways. I believe it is essential for teachers to differentiate student and provide all students with equitable education by applying …show more content…

Andrea C Allard also argues that the idea of “Sameness” is outdated as it is focused on rights and not the individual person, such as the reference to “Western Enlightenment” ideologies (Allard, 2006, p.325). Therefore, my aim throughout my teaching career is to acknowledge that all my students are different in all areas and I will respect and value their differences individually (Florian, …show more content…

UDL urges teachers to use strategies such as allowing think time and providing students with checklists and templates. These strategies will enable students to develop cognitively through active support mechanisms (Checkpoint 6.2)(CAST, 2011, p.25). Throughout the UDL, teachers are able to use multiple strategies to cater for students by differentiating learning levels and abilities. This is done through a holistic classroom teaching environment, rather than “excluding learners” through providing separate work, which may prove to be detrimental to student welfare and academic progression (CAST, 2011,