
Era Of Benjamin Franklin

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As this paper has mentioned earlier, Benjamin Franklin has contrived some electrical phraseologies that are still widely used today. For instance, even ordinary people who have no previous experiences with physics use the terms, including a “positive charge”, a “negative charge”, “plus”, “minus” and a “battery”. [1] On the other hand, while we still use the terms that he has made, some of his theories are outdated or proved to be wrong. In the era of Benjamin Franklin, people likely to believe that the charges have similar properties as the fluid, so their theories are now called as the fluid theory. [13] At the same time, at the era of Benjamin Franklin, majority of people believed that two charges, “positive charge” and “negative charge”, …show more content…

[13] At that time, Benjamin Franklin made a theory that excessive electric fluid makes a positive charges and less electric fluid makes negative charges. [13] After the invention of batteries, people followed the Franklin’s theory. They made an assumption and used that assumption which currents were moving from positive to negative. [13] However, after many years, people have discovered that charges are not moving as the direction of the Benjamin Franklin theory. [13] In addition to that, excessive electric fluid does not cause the positive charge. [13] We know now that what makes charges either positively or negatively. Excessive electrons cause charges to get negative charges and loosing electrons cause charges to get positive charges, which is totally different from the Franklin’s view. [13] On the other hand, the single fluid theory from Benjamin Franklin, which is outdated theory, still has a great impact. Even though we now know that Franklin’s theories are inaccurate, we still use the terminologies that are established by Benjamin …show more content…

He is now known as a politics - a founding father, a scientist, an inventor and even as an economist. While he has a numerous contributions to the various fields, this paper was focused on Benjamin Franklin as a physicist and an inventor. The astonishing fact of Benjamin Franklin is that he did not receive any kind of formal education in physics. [1] On the other hand, without getting any formal education, he educated himself, and he could contribute to the science by building a theoretical knowledge and made various applications that were closely related to the people. Because of his kite experiment, he could prove that the lightning is an electricity. [5] In addition to that, he applied his knowledge to the real-life problem. Using the result from the kite experiment, he has made a gadget that has made people to live in a safer place. The lightning rod, which was the invention of Benjamin Franklin, could reduce the risk from the lightning. [10] At the same time, even though this paper only focused on the inventions that are related to electricity, Benjamin Franklin has developed other instruments and systems that are still being used. For instance, as this paper has mentioned in a third paragraph, he was interested in reducing the risk and damage that are caused by fire, and the lightning rod was invented to reduce the risk of fire by the lightning. [6] On the other hand, he developed other than the

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