Benjamin Franklin Accomplishments

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Many people have heard of Benjamin Franklin. Looking back into his life, seeing what a person people would talk about when they talk about Benjamin Franklin. He has helped many people even today. When looking at some of the accomplishments, a conclusion will be made about Benjamin Franklin, with his goodness to help others.
He opened the Library Company of Philadelphia. This has about 2500 items Benjamin Franklin owned and felt others could use. The library was established in 1731. He thought instead of having books on my shelves at home; why not share what I have. Others could use those books and learn from them.
In 1729, Franklin and Hugh Meredith bought the newspaper, The Pennsylvania Gazette. He published papers and wrote under …show more content…

Some of the quotes in the book are common such as “a penny saved is a penny earned.”
Benjamin challenges electricity and proposed that lightning was electricity. One of his experiments was using a kite in an electrical storm with the key on the string. The outcome of this experiment proved this was the case. Because of this, he invented the lightning rod to protect buildings.
Benjamin started to have trouble seeing up close and he had to use two pair of glasses. What did he do? He invented bifocals. It is a pair of glasses that has a line in to so you can see up close and at a distance. What they do today is have glasses so you cannot see the lines.
In 1775, Benjamin Franklin was chosen to represent Pennsylvania as the agent for a convention as a representative from the thirteen colonies. He was appointed one of the five to draft the Declaration of Independence.
In 1731, the British Crown Post selected Franklin to be the postmaster of Philadelphia. He became the postmaster general because of his experience. “The postal system that was established continues to this day, though it was transformed to United States Postal Service in