Erikson's Theory Of Developmental Theories In The Classroom

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The aim of this essay is to briefly explain the four major developmental theories and to explain how we can implement these theories in our classrooms to deal with our students. The essay has main three parts. A brief introduction of developmental theories is followed by the main body. The main body includes the four theories with a brief summary of each and with some implementations that can be implied in the real world teaching. The essay ends with a conclusion by the summarizing key point of this essay.
Throughout the life people experience a great deal of changes in their development. These include physical, cognitive, social, emotional and interpersonal changes. These developmental changes are influenced …show more content…

Mainly he focused on how an individual’s ego identity is developed. Accordingly, he believed every individual’s identity will change continuously due to the environment they live and from the new experiences they go through. Moreover, he believed that the sense of ability motivates behaviors and action too. Erikson emphasized on the influences that social relationships have on the development of a human. There are eight different stages described in his theory in chronological order. Each of these stages is associated with a time of life and an overall age span. Erikson clearly explained the sorts of encouragement children will need to complete each stage to become a productive member of a society. He even explained that if the encouragement does not occur, various types of problems and development delays may result in their life …show more content…

In his theory, he identified six stages of moral development and grouped it into three major levels. Each stage discussed the process through which a child learns how to differentiate right and wrong and also to develop the culture of appreciations of morality. He believed that morality can be developed positively or negatively depending on how an individual experiences different tasks in each stage of moral development in their lifespan.
Unlike the other theories, Kohlberg’s developmental levels and stages are not related to age. However, most probably my students are facing the level two, stage three and four. According to Kohlberg, at this stage they see morality as more than a simple deal that they can manage themselves. As their teacher, I can help them to identify ways to respond to the cultural rules and understand what is good and bad or right and wrong in a society. These can be taught to them through hidden curriculum. It might be difficult to make them understand all the rights and wrongs as their thinking might be affected by many factors around them. However, as a teacher it is a must to educate them to choose the correct path and ways that a society will accept them. Their good behavior or attitude will be seen if only the teachers have a good rapport with them. By understanding their interpersonal feelings the teacher can help them in several ways. As a first thing, to teach them to obey rules and regulations, I can make classroom rules and