Erin Chekhov Essay

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The definition of shady using the Oxford dictionary is “of doubtful honesty or legality”; according to Google, the word sketchy means dishonest or disreputable. (Citation) These are both words that can be used to describe the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, also known as PG&E, in the movie Erin Brockovitch. Erin Brockovitch follows the story of a legal aid who uncovers evidence of illegal wrongdoings which leads to a class action law suit against PG&E company. In the movie, PG&E performed many unethical and illegal actions, which eventually led to them losing the class-action suit brought against them. PG&E used Hexavalent chromium in their cooling towers in order to prevent corrosion when water was used to cool down; the excess water from …show more content…

At first glance, this may seem like a righteous act performed by the company, but because the doctors were paid by PG&E, they lied to the patients and told them that their health problems were unrelated to anything to do with the enterprise operations. In order to further mislead those affected by PG&E’s contaminated water, the company sent pamphlets to the residents of Hinkley telling them all the great benefits of Chromium 3, a nontoxic variation of chromium not used by the plant. While that act may not necessarily have been illegal, it was very unethical because it misled the residents to believe they ok. Commenting on the situation generated by the corporation, the judge in the movie even said that it was disturbing that the company actually sent them pamphlets about chromium. …show more content…

According to the lawyer in the movie, this was to establish a statue of limitations, so if no lawsuits had been brought against them within a year, then no one could sue and the situation would simply be put in the past (citation). From a strict legal perspective on the company’s behalf, this would be an excellent strategy to get out of bind like PG&E tried, and while it is legal, its extremely unethical and dishonest. Parties performing this strategy may gain in the legal aspect, but it would bring plenty of dishonor and significantly degrade company integrity and public