Essay About Hawaii

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I certainly expect to promote Hawaii’s business community. Since my post-secondary education goal is to attain a Masters in Business Administration, the range of jobs and employment opportunities are vast. A job that always attracted me and entails business administration is a Marketing Manager. Being able to market businesses in the Filipino community; getting their product or business in the limelight gives them more opportunities to be seen and or funded by outside organizations as well as gain popularity. With much pertinence to Filipino entrepreneurs, I would be able to effectively market their product and get their “name” out into the business world- gaining more customers and shares are vital to the start of an entrepreneur’s success. In the end, any way to provide financial assistance or stability to any Filipino business or entrepreneur would be in my best …show more content…

Yet in this day and age, I feel as if the Philippines is overlooked in terms of production. I would push to get more businesses and entrepreneurs to utilize the labor in the Philippines to produce their products. This would greatly boost the business link between Hawaii and the Philippines. There are many benefits to this action, one being our unique location. Hawaii is the closest state to the Philippines making means of communication much easier. Hawaii inevitably is also the economic mediator between the Philippines and the United States making it that much more valuable. Another benefit would be job production. If we flood the Philippine economy with production, this would open more job opportunities for Filipinos both here in Hawaii and in the Philippines- something that we Filipinos often time have a hard time finding. Filipinos are a hard working people, lets get them jobs for us to flourish in this modern