Essay About Love Reading

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Everyone grows up learning how to read, it’s a natural habit. Nevertheless, not everyone grows up to love reading. Fortunately for myself, my love for reading only continued to grow older I grew. It all began when my parents and grandparents would read to us on long car rides, or at bedtime. Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear, had become one of my favorite bedtime stories when my grandmother read it to me, as a toddler. She would put so much thought and action behind her words that I would be able to remember what part was coming next. Moreover, it was the only story I would have her read when we stayed the night at Papa and Gaga’s house. I would always remember saying “Again, Again Gaga, please just one more time” and it usually worked, but she would never read it to us more than twice. As time grew and the older I grew, I started reading these books on my own. Remembering to this day the first extensive book I tried to read was, The Rainbow Fish. Climbing up in my father’s lap to read this story to him, I struggled with the words he began to help me sound them out each time. Consequently, as an elementary student, I excelled in reading. My 1st grade year I was reading at the level of a 3rd grader, with the help of my family. They always encouraged myself to continue in reading more books, I especially loved reading Disney …show more content…

Each one of our children has different interest, so we usually find ourselves reading two different books a night. Although we only have our daughter part time, when we do have her we try to encourage her to read to us rather than us read to her considering she is old enough to read on her own. Our two-year-old is always picking up books about tractors or cars, he loves to hear us read to him. I hope to pass my love of reading to each of my children and continue to find books myself to read and