Essay On Accelerated II

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Accelerated II AG B/AAA I decided to test myself and enrolled into an advanced math course. I ended up passing with a 70, but it took some effort. The class was fast paced, and I learned that I needed more time then allotted to grasp the mathematical concepts being taught. The class was taught a years’ worth of content in one semester and our homework was extremely heavy nightly in order to keep up with the pace. I made efforts to go in for early morning tutoring and after school before practice, but received mostly quick explanations on concepts I needed more detail. To solve my confusion, I ended up receiving support by studying with some of my peers and reached out to an old math teacher throughout the year. This experience helped me to learn the benefits of …show more content…

Understanding the course information was a challenge, and the help available conflicted with my athletic commitments. I’d often have to run later at practice due to the time spent at tutor-ing. This resulted in me getting home later and having less time to study for all of my classes in total. I eventually passed the class by strengthening my time management skills, studying with friends, and working with my teacher on each available opportunity. I feel my communication skills were strength-ened in the process of passing this class. Chemistry I PDP This class was a new environment. My teacher used the “flipped classroom” method. This required me to learn at home via videos that we would cover in class. But because of the amount of content need-ing to be covered for a mandated end of semester test, the teacher was unable to go in-depth on any one particular lesson and I found myself behind. As a result, I learned to take more accurate and de-tailed notes on what was being covered in class to review at a later time which, lead to me being pre-pared for the end of year Final. IB History Europe/ ME