Essay On Adoption In The United States

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Adoption in the United States According to the US Census Bureau (2000), 2.1 million adopted children aged 18 and under are living in United States’ homes. Adoption is a legal procedure that provides a permanent home and family for a child whose biological parents are unable, unwilling, or legally prohibited from keeping the child. In general, ‘‘adoption is an issue of vital importance for all persons involved in the adoption triangle: the child, the adoptive parents, and the birthparents’’ (Stolley, 1993, p. 26). Until 1993 the United States did not keep accurate records on adoption and collected federal government adoption data periodically and later annually. The US Census Bureau (2000) gave the first ever look at the actual numbers of adoptees. The reported 2.1 million adoptees and the …show more content…

Adoption is a great option for many people, and can be a blessing for someone that can not have children or can not have anymore naturally. Foster care goes along the lines of adoption and can be a branch to starting an adoption in the United States. According to “In the U.S. 397,122 children are living without permanent families in the foster care system. 101,666 of these children are eligible for adoption, but nearly 32% of these children will wait over three years in foster care before being adopted.” Foster care can be a great program if used correctly, but sadly most of the time it is not, many children in the United States are abused in Foster homes. The foster parents abuse the system and many times they use the children like a puppy mill. Some foster parents use the money received to provide for the children for themselves, which leaves the children hungry and a lot of the time without necessitates he or she desperately need. The restrictions to become a foster parent should be stricter and there should be a check up monthly to insure that the children are being taken care of correctly. Adoption is the

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