
Technology In Classrooms Disadvantages

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In today’s world, technology is considered to be a vital factor. Technology is simply a collection of techniques, skills and process used in production of goods and services. Technology is making lives easier and has the ability to solve many issues easily. It is also increasing its importance towards the education sector. The most recognized disadvantage is to have technology in class is the difficulty to adapt to the system and another major disadvantage is the technical issues which are faced by the students. However, there are not only disadvantages of technology in classrooms but also advantages as well. The more advanced the technology is, the more beneficial it becomes for the students to cope up with their academic work. The advantages includes convenient , as the data is easily available and also students have many personal gains. Thus, there are both, arguments for and against the use of technology in classrooms. …show more content…

Most students find it easy to get along while in classes technology has modified the method of learning and teaching. Many learning theories can be used to apply and integrate this technology more effectively. Mr. Tiko said “masters of those pieces of technology are sitting right here in front of us and this makes me very proud”. For instance, if a student needs to access the lecture notes while the class is going on, the student can easily access the information on the electronic gadget that is there with them (mobile phones, laptop) from moodle

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