
Essay On African American Heritage

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Our past consists of a rich history of African American who fought and struggled for the rights that we have today. Heritage is defined as property that has been passed down or a possession. The African American past will last because nobody can forget all the torture and fighting we have overcome. African Americans have come a long way. We came so far that our 44th president was the first black to be elected. It is indeed because of our past that our heritage will stand out. Thinking about our past can be very scary sometimes but we will never know if it is not thought or taught to every generation. Some of our past includes colonization, slavery, imposition of religion, racism, and many other encounters. During the month of February our past …show more content…

We must learn about all of the contributions by blacks not just in February but every day. Our heritage will last because of Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Harriet Tubman, Thurgood Marshall and so many more. Without the blacks who started it all there would be no heritage to last. Because of the things, we went through our heritage will last. We as African Americans are able to stand strong today because Rosa Parks sat on the bus, Martin Luther King stood for nothing less, Thurgood Marshall fought to win the case of Brown vs. the board of education and so many things that other contributed to our society. The past has influenced us today by motivating us to never give up, fight for what is right and don’t settle for anything less. Because of our past this heritage must last. I wonder if Rosa Parks didn’t persevere would some be the leader and say something? Would we still to this day be sprayed with water hoses, sitting in the back of the bus, and drinking out of “Black only” fountains? Or would someone step up like our past activists and set the bar

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