Essay On African American Heroes

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Though it may seem that “the concept of heroes is gone,” heroes are almost everywhere and their legacies still exist today. There is a common belief that a hero is someone who saves lives and tries to maintain justice in the world. However, there is more to the definition of a hero. A hero is also someone who fights against the culture of death, maintains good moral values, and inspires others to do the same. A mother gives birth to new life – a baby. That baby grows and learns new things from her mother. The mother teaches her child her values and morals. The child becomes an adult, has children, and the whole process repeats. Mothers are peacemakers in the family and sacrifice a lot of time to nurture their children to make sure that they grow in wisdom, respect, and love. These children reflect their …show more content…

It all started some fifty years ago. “That section is for Negros only. No Negros are allowed in this section. This store is for whites only. This line separates the Negros from the whites.” These were some of the challenges that African Americans faced fifty years ago. Fifty years ago, racism was at its peak in America, so much so that violence was mainly caused by hatred for the other’s ethnicity. During this time, many African Americans were beginning to lose hope for freedom from discrimination. Around the 1960s, there was one man who had enough courage to speak up for African Americans against discrimination. That man was Martin Luther King Jr. He delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech to stand for equality of all people no matter what skin color. His speech aided in the changing of many American’s views towards African Americans, paving the way for greater equality among all Americans despite skin color. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy still lives on today as it can clearly be seen in our government, with our current president being the first African American president of the United

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