
Essay On Alzheimer's Disease

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Alzheimer’s disease is destroying of brain cell. Through the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease they found abnormal protein, fibers and chemical called acetylcholine in the brain. Until now there is not specific cause to get Alzheimer’s disease. However, there are many factors can increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. One of the factors to be in high risk of develop Alzheimer’s disease is the gene you inherit from your parent. Also, if you have a close family member with Alzheimer’s disease there will be small increase in risk to develop Alzheimer’s disease. The most factor of Alzheimer’s disease is the age. The likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease after you reach 65 years of age. In addition, most …show more content…

Most of patients get the disease from their parents. Nowadays, there are some of the tests to see if you carry Alzheimer’s disease from your parents. That test it can help for planning how to deal with Alzheimer’s disease. The effect of the age is loss of memory. Most of the elderly people whenever the increased at the age will increase there forget. Elder people usually they forget what happened in present time as what happened yesterday. There are a several causes that effects of sever head injury. For example, car accidents, sport injury, and blows to the head. The lifestyle can effect of getting Alzheimer’s disease and there are many of factors. For example, smoking, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. You can reduce the risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease by eating healthy food, stop smoking if you smoking do a some of the exercise as running, and do a regular health checks when you get older. Alzheimer’s disease have many general effects. There are Passed through several stages early stage, intermediate stage, and final stage. Therefore, every stage is getting worse more than the others. Alzheimer’s patient is feel many symptom. For example, loss memory and weight, loss names, forgetting some information they learned, loss important dates, need help wearing clothes, can not to recall their address, very difficult to understanding, help for eating and drinking, and unusual

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