
Essay On Aromatherapy

457 Words2 Pages

Depression is the leading cause of suicide in the United States. For decades, researchers have been trying to find a way to reduce depression in people. One way, that has not been throughly researched, is the use of aromatherapy. There are claims that aromatherapy will reduce depression. To evaluate this claim one must prove it is scientifically valid. You can do this by performing expiremental research, having a control group, and ensuring that the study would be a blind study. First, to perform this study, the best method you can use would be a expirement. In this expirement, you must test if the aromatherapy actually reduces depression. An expirement will work best because the researcher can control if the subjects use aromatherapy or not. The only thing the researcher can't control would be how bad the depression is for each person. If one person has milder depression then …show more content…

You can do this by having one group use the aroma therapy, and one group not getting aromatherapy. The group that is not recieving the aromatherapy will be the control group. A control group is essential so that you know that the aromatherapy is helping the depression and not other factors. Having a control group is necessary because you need to see the diffrence between people who do not receive treatment and those who do. Finally, ensuring that the study will be a blind study will be challenging. There are many other factors that go into depression. Focusing on only one factor may not give you accurate results. For example, all cases of depression are different. The aromatherapy might also affect others differently then it may effect the next person. Also, one person might start feeling better on their own due to a change in their relationships, career, or social status.The conductor of research might also be biased towards the subjects who recieve the aromatherapy. This may skew the results of the

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