
Essay On Banning Books

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Books Argumentative Essay Throughout the nation, controversy about the banning and censorship of certain literature has arisen. Many works have been removed from school libraries and even bookstores due to their content, whether it be images, offensive terms, or just the storyline in general. In today’s day and age it is completely and totally necessary for some books to be banned for the because the audience is too young, the content is degrading or offensive, or completely and utterly inappropriate for anyone to read. The most censorship occurs in school libraries because the audience can be so young. The text explains, “Many of the challenges to these books are due to their presence on middle school bookshelves (or even in class assignments); middle school students can be as young as eleven years old” (Text 2). There are many different topics that middle school students are no old or mature enough to read. It is also written, “Because we no longer live in an era where we can trust the authority figures in our children’s lives to share our values and foster the same view of morality and decency which we ourselves have, we can’t afford to let our children read whatever trashy …show more content…

The Greenhaven Press wrote, “In recent decades, however, opposition to the novel has centered on Twain’s frequent use of the word ‘nigger’” (Text 1). In Mark Twain’s novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, offensive language is consistently used throughout the novel. The text also explains, “parents in school districts around the country have pressed to have the book removed from libraries and reading lists on grounds that it is offensive and degrading to African Americans” (Text 1). Due to the hurtful, outdated slang terms used in this novel, the book is being banned in some school to avoid offending African

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