
Essay On Beauty Products

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In this 21st century era, the number of people who wanted to have a fair and glowing skin is increasing days by days. From teenagers to adults, they are really concern about their appearance especially, their faces. They really take a good care of their appearance until they willingly to take or use any products that have be sold for the sake to get a fair and glowing skin. But, do they make any research about what type of ingredients the product that they choose made of from? Nowadays, there is a lot of skin care products contain mercury as their ingredients in the making of their products. Mercury is a metallic element that is naturally occurring in the environment. Mercury (liquid) is a metallic element that is naturally occurring in the environment that has several forms but, always be recognized as a shiny, silver – white and dense liquid. This liquid can be found in thermometer, electrical switches, dental amalgams and industrial manufacturing. Mercury is the most common form that exists naturally in the environment. The uses of the mercury in beauty products is Women nowadays are obsessed to have a fair and glowing skin. Regarding of this matter, they are willingly to take any beauty products in many ways. One of the ways …show more content…

Furthermore, they could save their money from spend on the skin care product. Many people, who use natural skin care products, generally make their own products at home from naturally occurring ingredients. This not only can help them to get a healthy skin but, they can save the budget as much as they do not have to spend more for the product. This natural skin care product also would not give any side effects to the users although; they have sensitive skin to any products they use for their skin. It is free from mercury as they can enjoy the

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