Chemical Stress Research Paper

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The cellular environment is affected by stress in general, physical, chemical and emotional stress suffered by the individual. At the cell level, it is always a chemical stress, and a harmful chemical environment is produced. It is the stress molecules such as catecholamines (adrenalin and noradrenalin) and steroids (e.g. cortisol) that are presented to cells following neuroendocrine responses as a result of all kinds of stress experienced by the individual. Moreover, add to physical and psychological stresses deficient or excessive eating, lack of proper nutrients, lack of good vitamins and minerals, or an excess of calories, toxins and other molecules that are not normally found in nature, and you just worsen the overall toxicity condition. The cellular environment and chemical stress on the cells will be more harmful.

Any inconvenient lifestyle (junk food, sedentary lifestyle, negative emotions, etc.) will produce a harmful chemical stress in the cellular environment. When there is negative thoughts, emotional or psychological stress, there are stress molecules (adrenaline and cortisol, for example) which are presented to the cells. If you add more lack …show more content…

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