Essay On Color Guard

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Color Guards’ Amazing History! People know that during half time at football games two bands play and in the band there are the color guard. No one ever stops to think about them and how they came to be. The fans just know that they are there most likely to just entertain them. They never stop to think twice as to how color guard was made and the big meaning behind it all. That there is a rich history of how and why they came to be. Before getting to know the history of color guard, you have to know what color guard is and what the point of them being here are. They are just one part of many on a marching band. They bring light and a scenery to the band. This helps to keep the focus of the fans on the band. The color guard uses a lot of diffrent things not just a flag, like some people think. They also use (fake) rifles, sabers, and some even use things such as ribbon. During the civil war, a band with a person or few holding flags would march out on the battlefields. The band did this so that the soldiers stayed marching together correctly and to keep the spirits high. The band walked behind the soldiers and there would be people carrying flags that had there color (The American Flag). This is where the first color guard came from, a military color guard. The guard would hold …show more content…

“Line up!”, “Stay in time with each other!”, and the best one of all “If all of u are doing it wrong but u are all doing the wrong thing at the same time then it is not wrong it is then right.” Color guard may seem easy and not a lot of work but, it is they are out in the sun with the band or in the cold for hours at a time. The team are together for two weeks strat and 6 hours a day before school even starts. Determination is a major factor needed by all participants. The color guard get so in time with each other that they seem like one person and not 10 or even

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