Essay On Drug Trade In Latin America

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Challenge Center # 3
Illegal Drug Trade in Latin America Drugs. In Latin America drugs could have affected the way that the government thinks and looks at things. In Latin America drugs go way deeper than getting high. In this article you will learn about the drug trade in Latin America and how it has affected the people and government.

In Latin America there are 3 main drugs that are traded: Cocaine, cannabis, and marijuana. The drug consumption has been low in Latin America, but recently the intake of cocaine has increased, especially in countries that are in the major smuggling route. These countries include Columbia, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, Paraguay, Ecuador, Venezuela, and the Dominican Republic, but it’s not limited to just …show more content…

The name explains itself. But how can a disaster impact the economy? In a good way? In a bad way? In this article you will learn about how natural disasters in Latin America impact the economy.

The first natural disaster I will be talking about is the Riobamba earthquake which occurred in 1797. It caused over 40,000 casualties, most of them in the city of Riobamba. Because of this earthquake the city of Riobamba and the town of Quero were destroyed by a landslide. Many people died and many more were injured. This affected the economy in Ecuador at the time because most of the crops that were being grown at the time were destroyed. So all that hard work was for nothing.

The second natural disaster is a big one, Hurricane Hattie. This was the biggest, deadliest, and most powerful hurricane of the 1961 hurricane season. It rose to a level five hurricane and killed more than 400 people and left around 10,000 people homeless. This very earthquake destroyed about half the town of Belize. It made the U.S. get involved. Some meteorologists from the United States decided to help out and track the storm. At least 20 people were arrested after the hurricane. Two hundred British soldiers arrived from Jamaica to maintain order in the