Case Study: Ecumenicalism At Emmaus College

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Year 10 religious assignment – Term 1
Ecumenicalism at Emmaus College shows initiative to unite all Christian denominations of the churches. This creates a welcoming community, and a unity of spirit. Even though beliefs, sacraments, liturgy/worship and the social teachings/ social justice of each denomination are fundamentally different, the underlying Christian values and beliefs are still similar at the core. The Catholic and Anglican churches contribute to the spiritual life of Emmaus College in various ways to ensure we are truly an ecumenical school.

The beliefs of the catholic and Anglican church may have similar beliefs but also with distinctly different beliefs. As a Catholic, you’re required to live a Christian life, pray daily, …show more content…

Anglicans believe The Thirty-Nine Articles recognizes seven sacraments. Two sacraments that are "ordained of Christ our Lord in the Gospels" are Baptism and Eucharist and that The remaining five are "commonly called Sacraments but not to be counted for Sacraments of the Gospel" Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession and absolution), Holy Matrimony, Confirmation, Ordination (Holy Orders or Sacred Ministry), Anointing of the Sick (Healing or Unction) while Christians believe each sacrament to be equal of importance to each other. Catholics 7 sacraments are baptism, confirmation, holy communion, confession, marriage, holy orders and anointing of the sick. As you may have noticed some sacraments between the two churches are called by different names, but are vaguely the same things for the same purposes, so it seems they both inquire knowledge form the scripture 1 Corinthians 11:23-28. Ecumenicalism is easy to achieve in this case because either way they’d be conducing the same sacraments as one …show more content…

The permanent principles of the Church's social doctrine are, the dignity of the human person, the common good, subsidiarity, and solidarity. These principles, the expression of the whole truth about the human person known by reason and faith, are born of "the encounter of the Gospel message and of its demands summarised in the supreme commandment of love of God and neighbour in justice with the problems emanating from the life of society.” The catholic church is somewhat stricter when it comes to these teaching though, including the teachings about sexual actions and marriage. At Emmaus college we accept all no matter what