Is there anything green leafy vegetables can't do for you?
We already knew that eating plenty of vegetables reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. Vegetables can also help you to maintain a healthy weight and they protect against inflammation.
But research now shows that vegetables are also fantastic for building strong, lean muscle mass.
Green Leafy Vegetables and Nitrates
According to a study published last February in Cell Metabolism -- and summarized in Science Daily -green leafy vegetables can help the mitochondria in body cells, including muscle cells, work more efficiently. What are mitochondria? Sometimes mitochondria are called the "power plants" of the cells. They are the organelles that produce energy so
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Nitrates in food need to be processed by bacteria in your mouth in order for the body to make efficient use of them. In fact, the bacteria in your mouth play such an important role in processing nutrients that scientists are now speculating that powerful antibacterial mouthwashes could block the effects of green leafy vegetables.
Green Leafy Vegetables and Glutamine
Green leafy vegetables are also high in glutamine, an amino acid that is often taken by body builders as a supplement. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, and protein helps the body to build muscle mass. Believe it or not, green leafy vegetables are fairly good sources of protein, though you'll want other protein sources in your diet as well. While glutamine can be supplemented, you will get other benefits, such as the effect of the nitrates on your mitochondria, not to mention the fiber in your vegetables, if you get your glutamine from dietary sources, such as parsley, spinach, and asparagus.
However, if you really don't care for salad, there are alternatives. One is to juice your greens in a smoothie.
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