Essay On Gun Control

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Gun control in the US
Guns in the United States is a very big problem, due to the fact that almost everyone in the United States can buy guns, which is a problem if the wrong people gets hold of a gun. Because everyone can buy guns, is it a matter of time before the wrong person gets a hold of a weapon. Also there’s as many guns as people in the United States.
An example on that is school shootings, because to some who are not so mentally stable and therefore they go crazy with a gun at a school, witch is a problem Obama wants to solve quickly. President Obama will change on the Gun law in order to avoid the wrong people gets hold of a weapon, and therefore can the United States be a more secure place to be. So all in all Obama wants to focus on gun sales, public health research and school safety. But how will the public react to the changes in the …show more content…

The reason why it’s a problem is, if a mentally unstable person will buy a gun and he had previously been charged with shootings, in that situation it would be good with a background check, because then you would know that you should not sell him the gun. But when 40% of the gun purchases isn’t checked, the chance is bigger that the wrong person gets a gun. But the bad thing about background checks is that it cannot stop all shootings. It could not stop most school shootings because the gunmen took legally obtained weapons from parents, and then went out with the weapon and went crazy. Jack Levin says that many gunmen have a clean criminal history, they’re just having a bad day. Furthermore he says most of the gun deaths are classified as manslaughter with implies a crime committed without forethought. In addition to this, the background check wouldn’t be as effective as they hope it would be, because it will to hard to make rules for a few people in the