Essay On Hawaii Culture

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Hawaii’s culture is about 1500 years old. The culture started when Polynesians voyaged to Hawaii and settled there. Hawaiian culture is based on three main aspects. Food such as broiling pig, taro and banana. Dance including the hula or as it was traditionally called Kahiko and warfare/weapons examples including the Koa and different forms of training and attach techniques. These three aspects will come to be the backbone of Hawaiian culture.

Food is agreeably the most embraced aspect of culture in Hawaii. Food preparations mostly consisted of broiling, boiling, an roasting. broiling was achieved by having rocks or coals sitting on a bed of ashes and leaving it for a while. unripe fruits could be boiled this way but soft foods such as fish would need to be wrapped in ti leaves. Boiling foods using wooden containers, the food would be placed in the container followed by water and instead of applying heat to the wood hot rocks would be placed in the container. Roasting was made b digging a show pit in the floor, starting a fire and pacing rocks on it. Leaves were then placed along with packages of fruits and vegetables or chicken. Foods such as poi and laulau would be mainly made of a plant called taro, taro is a highly used highly respected plant that is used to make many foods. Kalua pig would be cooked in an underground oven for …show more content…

Hawaiians practice the traditional hula which is much different to what it is today. The hula was first called the Kahiko, the song that accompanies the dance is the the Mele. The hula is a tribute to both goddess Laka and goddess Pele. The hula means “ combine the old and the new” . Now the hula is mainly made for entertainment reasons and the main Kahiko is kept a Hawaiian culture secret and is only saved for the elders to perform for the goddesses. The hula is a dance also have become symbols of sensuality and grace due to the fact that the movement of the body utilises those