Essay On Human Trafficking In Ecuador

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As a leader of a Ecuador union I believe human trafficking should have a stop to it. Have you ever thought of how there are women who are worth doing anything to be able to have money well they use their bodies just to get what they desire.Well there needs to be a stop as a country leader I believe that it is a disgrace in having people getting their bodies forced and abused because they need to get their bodies sold to get money. Think about the consequences those people or basically mostly women get after doing these things in selling their bodies. Most people approve it because they know themselves that they enjoy seeing these things but in reality they don’t know that these women sell their bodies to maintain their families. There needs …show more content…

What ignorant people do not understand is that this movement needs to have an end to of course there are people who actually don’t mind having their bodies sold and they actually enjoy the job but that isn’t the point because the real problem is that each country has about 70-90% of human trafficking going along and that is just frightening to hear that that much of people are being abused to a job like this and they are not put a stop to this. What Ecuador plans in doing is that they will actually decide to have meetings with different governments just to make sure the countries are safe and find a better way to help these innocent people. Sometimes others may think that they should be left alone for their own benefit but honestly don’t they think about how will the world improve then don’t think that not making changes will improve everything slowly by time everything changes but to worst than what you think. Ohter countries should as well decide in making changes and be able to control their environment more instead of making it look dirty because of the cause of these people in the world affecting it.As the african union declares there does need to be a difference for human traficking which is causing massive effects to us people becasue what will the future be like with these

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