Essay On Hunting In California

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Hunting in california is quite rough on people today it needs a stop so do something.
I claim that people want a change but nothing happens so we need do something.
Hunting is quite a good sport which is not rights laws and we need more.
The stage is where the law is made so this needs to be stopped before it too late.
Hunting in california are way too strict and need to get less for the good of cali people .

My position in this is well that hunting laws are way too strict and need change.
The way I think about is that the ones in charge of the state of california need a lot of change to make hunting more fun of a sport. A example of this that you have only a limit of one deer to kill but if you need more food to support your family you need more than one. Adding more of the limit of killing more deer is better in my opinion for the reason that families need to support their children if they live in the woods. Authorities disagree with this but they are wrong because their so many deer there is enough for all to go around so it should be illegal to hunt more than one. Hunting has way too many laws some need to get removed. Limit of how many deer you can get, season is way too short and only you can use some guns to do it. People need more access to hunting and make an easier more enjoyable sport. …show more content…

Well people need to be less agressive because it undertreated by most means of all of it. Some reasons are that people sometimes leave a animal that is killed and dont take it home. That is wrong never do that always take what you hunted so their is no waste. I had nothing like this happen because i havent went hunting when I do I will be right. Hunting with some people they make way to make a bit better then what is. Well to end this part of this people need to lighten up with these hunting types of