Essay On Isolation In Vietnam

673 Words3 Pages

Title: Isolation is for our nation

A Hook: Soldiers sighed, eager to begin the journey home and see their family. The planes left a trail of exhaust behind them and a bleeding nation full of dead,widows,orphans and homeless.
B Background: 4,500 American soldiers were killed in the invasion of Iraq. 2,381 were killed invading Afghanistan. (Operation Iraqi Freedom) More than two trillion dollars were spent on Iraq war costs. Could be six trillion over the next four decades (Daniel Trotta np).
C Thesis: Isolation is for our nation. We should be isolated militarily but not economically.

Claim one:War has great costs
A. According to a report that took the work of about 30 academics and experts the war pushed back …show more content…

Rebuttal :While when our founding fathers lived along time ago where there world was a different place there philosophy should still be respected. The constitution is even older than Washington's farewell address but we still consider that important.

Claim three : It isn’t our responsible or fight.
A.Many places we fight in are half way around the world. They have vastly different culture than us we may not understand the situation. In Vietnam we fought on the side of a cruel dictator that most Vietnamese hated (Vietnam War np).
Link:We should avoid foreign entanglements because our “help” may be unwanted.
B.We have a UN whose job is to maintain world peace,prosperity and avoid global conflicts (United Nations np).
Link:The American military should fight for America and global military should fight for the globe.
C. America has more than 500,000 homeless. Eight percent are veterans and 40 percent have families (Jie Zong and Jeanne Batalova np).
Link:The money we spend invading other countries could go to help our economy and save lives here.
D.There are roughly 15 million illegal immigrants in the United States. Whether you support deportation or not it is a national problem because many illegal drugs and terrorist members come in through our exposed border (Jie Zong Jeanne and Batalova