An Essay About Journey And Identity

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The definition of journey means very different things to many people. For many the journeys they have gone through correlates and makes up to what their identity is. According to, journey means passage or progress from one stage to another. To me this means the self growth and and challenges you go through to get where you want to be. Also in, the definition of Identity was found to be the condition or character as to who a person or what a thing is; the qualities, beliefs, etc., that distinguish or identify a person or thing. Journey and identity have a very strong correlation to each other, this is due to the fact that identity may be different because your roles in years will change, also journey shows you if who you are is compatible of who you want to be and reaching one's goal and how they will keep changing and having patience and faith would lead that goal to be met and that leads to a change of your identity. Identity may be different because your roles in years will change. By “different” I mean one day your a student and then the next you're a nurse. By “roles” I mean the obligations and expected …show more content…

A journey is a self growth process that highly influences how you act and what your identity is. Identity is influenced by the roles you have in a society, the influences you had and have around you and the goals you have set aside to accomplish in your life and if your compatible to fulfill those goals. Everybody's identity is influenced by different things and once you find out what's the main one for you, you would value and appreciate it