Personal Narrative Essay

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Its third hour, we are upstairs in 11th grade high school, I am in the soft comfy chair, the beanbag, i'm here for being the 1st student with a clean record. (No punching, No teasing and helping people) a lot.and were in the 3rd hour class and everyone is working hard on their book, they are reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, and they want to read it because the first person to finish wins a treat. Juan had finished with his book in 1 hour, A.K.A. a long time ago, and the teacher had already given him his treat, just a apple, but he didn't tell the class that he got the treat or what the treat was.

About 30 minutes into reading time, juan got up, went to the teacher, and asked “Can I go to the bathroom”.

The teacher replied “ Yes”.

Juan walked down the empty tiled hall and opened the door to the bathroom.

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Juan walked to one of the stalls and ran in there. He crouched on the seat so it looked like no one was there, Than 1 intruder, by what juan could hear with the timing of the one door that opened for a certain amount of time, entered the bathroom, The intruder started opening up the stalls, kind of smart, and when he got close to juan's stall, juan Didn't lock his stall and because of this he freaked Juan thought he would die and that the intruder would shoot him the moment he saw Juan. Juan quickly tried to come up with a

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